



Bug #43756


An error occurred (NoSuchUpload) when calling the AbortMultipartUpload operation: Unknown

Added by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
% Done:


2 - major
Affected Versions:
Pull request ID:
Crash signature (v1):
Crash signature (v2):


Hi RGW Team,

The last 7 days we spent trying to solve a metering problem in the buckets.

Well, right now its looks like LifeCycle are not able to purge/delete some objects may be due to some parse problem.

Let post some information:

radosgw-admin user stats --uid=XXXXX
    "stats": {
        "total_entries": 22817077,
        "total_bytes": 164278075532090,
        "total_bytes_rounded": 164325122670592
    "last_stats_sync": "2020-01-21 19:32:02.231796Z",
    "last_stats_update": "2020-01-22 14:48:30.915696Z" 

Aprox 164TB usage.

The customer got near 57 buckets with different sizes I'm going to post just one.

radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=Evol6
    "bucket": "Evol6",
    "tenant": "",
    "zonegroup": "4d8c7c5f-ca40-4ee3-b5bb-b2cad90bd007",
    "placement_rule": "default-placement",
    "explicit_placement": {
        "data_pool": "",
        "data_extra_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
        "index_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.index" 
    "id": "48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.132873679.2",
    "marker": "48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.3886182.52",
    "index_type": "Normal",
    "owner": "xxxxxx",
    "ver": "0#91266,1#60635,2#80715,3#78528",
    "master_ver": "0#0,1#0,2#0,3#0",
    "mtime": "2020-01-21 22:38:31.437616Z",
    "max_marker": "0#,1#,2#,3#",
    "usage": {
        "rgw.main": {
            "size": 9107173119747,
            "size_actual": 9107345551360,
            "size_utilized": 9107173119747,
            "size_kb": 8893723750,
            "size_kb_actual": 8893892140,
            "size_kb_utilized": 8893723750,
            "num_objects": 180808
        "rgw.multimeta": {
            "size": 0,
            "size_actual": 0,
            "size_utilized": 3807,
            "size_kb": 0,
            "size_kb_actual": 0,
            "size_kb_utilized": 4,
            "num_objects": 141
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1024,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1

Current size 9 TB approx. external Tools like S3 Browser // Cloudberry Amazon S3 Explorer reports 7TB.
Its a considerable difference but its not metadata overhead.

Checking with AWS CLI we found incompleted multipart, it's normal due customer backup thousand of remote computers and use CEPH as backend.

I found a small script to cancel all multipart using AWS CLI.

aws  --endpoint=http://XXXXXX:7480 --profile=ceph s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket $BUCKETNAME \
> | jq -r '.Uploads[] | "--key \"\(.Key)\" --upload-id \(.UploadId)"' \
> | while read -r line; do
>     eval "aws  --endpoint=http://XXXXXXXX:7480 --profile=ceph s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket $BUCKETNAME $line";
> done

The output generates the same error:

An error occurred (NoSuchUpload) when calling the AbortMultipartUpload operation: Unknown

An error occurred (NoSuchUpload) when calling the AbortMultipartUpload operation: Unknown

An error occurred (NoSuchUpload) when calling the AbortMultipartUpload operation: Unknown

Checking the multipart list :

"Initiator": {
"DisplayName": "xxxxx",
"ID": "xxxxx"
"Initiated": "2019-12-03T02:00:50.589Z",
"UploadId": "2~T7G76R09Pn-267VMbY8cjvZl_BHqfTx",
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Key": "MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "xxxx",
"ID": "xxxxx"
}, {
"Initiator": {
"DisplayName": "xxxxx",
"ID": "xxxx"
"Initiated": "2019-12-03T01:23:06.007Z",
"UploadId": "2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU",
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Key": "MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "xxxxx",
"ID": "xxxxx"

Maybe the parse internally of 1$ char is generating a problem in the LC scripts that don't allow getting purged.

The main problem of that issue is the huge difference between completed files that show in all external tools and the internal storage metering.

Additionally for help this type of customer we add a LC policy that for some reason fails but shows as completed.

s3cmd getlifecycle s3://Evol6 --no-ssl
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<LifecycleConfiguration xmlns="">
                <ID>Incomplete Multipart Uploads</ID>
radosgw-admin lc list
        "bucket": ":Evol6:48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.3886182.52",
        "status": "COMPLETE" 

Obviusly completed is not the correct error because in the multipart incomplete show like 157 incompleted uploads.

I appreciated all the help and ideas.

Best Regards

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to rgw - Bug #43583: rgw: unable to abort multipart upload after the bucket got reshardedResolvedJ. Eric Ivancich

Actions #1

Updated by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago


With help we launched a standalone rgw instance with a non public port and launched just 3 commands with AWS CLI

aws --endpoint=http://XXXXXX:7481 --profile=ceph s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket Evol6

aws --endpoint=http://XXXXXX:7481 --profile=ceph s3api list-parts --bucket Evol6 --key 'MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision' --upload-id 2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU

aws --endpoint=http://XXXXXX:7481 --profile=ceph s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket Evol6 --key 'MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision' --upload-id 2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU

RGW log output with


/usr/bin/radosgw -d --cluster ceph --name client.rgw.ceph-rgw03 --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph --debug-rgw=20 --debug_ms=1 --rgw_frontends="beast port=7481" --rgw_enable_gc_threads=false --rgw_enable_lc_threads=false

Actions #2

Updated by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago

Output of cli : radosgw-admin bi list --bucket Evol6 | jq '.[]|select(.idx | match("20191203010516/431.cbrevision"))'

  "type": "plain",
  "idx": "_multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~T7G76R09Pn-267VMbY8cjvZl_BHqfTx.meta",
  "entry": {
    "name": "_multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~T7G76R09Pn-267VMbY8cjvZl_BHqfTx.meta",
    "instance": "",
    "ver": {
      "pool": 40,
      "epoch": 4848481
    "locator": "",
    "exists": "true",
    "meta": {
      "category": 3,
      "size": 27,
      "mtime": "2019-12-03 02:00:50.589889Z",
      "etag": "",
      "storage_class": "",
      "owner": "catbackup",
      "owner_display_name": "Catbackup",
      "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
      "accounted_size": 0,
      "user_data": "",
      "appendable": "false" 
    "tag": "_OQRXmFYGxL4JorOtTIVTgaWPP4Hciiu",
    "flags": 0,
    "pending_map": [],
    "versioned_epoch": 0
  "type": "plain",
  "idx": "_multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU.meta",
  "entry": {
    "name": "_multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU.meta",
    "instance": "",
    "ver": {
      "pool": 40,
      "epoch": 4862265
    "locator": "",
    "exists": "true",
    "meta": {
      "category": 3,
      "size": 27,
      "mtime": "2019-12-03 01:23:06.007727Z",
      "etag": "",
      "storage_class": "",
      "owner": "catbackup",
      "owner_display_name": "Catbackup",
      "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
      "accounted_size": 0,
      "user_data": "",
      "appendable": "false" 
    "tag": "_ShAUoEzV6fSf9M5DGRAfIUnlN-bCwR4",
    "flags": 0,
    "pending_map": [],
    "versioned_epoch": 0
  "type": "plain",
  "idx": "_multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~9djvntf2OBzWT8VLMBixPjZMx6rSwI_.meta",
  "entry": {
    "name": "_multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~9djvntf2OBzWT8VLMBixPjZMx6rSwI_.meta",
    "instance": "",
    "ver": {
      "pool": 40,
      "epoch": 4848897
    "locator": "",
    "exists": "true",
    "meta": {
      "category": 3,
      "size": 27,
      "mtime": "2019-12-03 03:00:19.076330Z",
      "etag": "",
      "storage_class": "",
      "owner": "catbackup",
      "owner_display_name": "Catbackup",
      "content_type": "application/octet-stream",
      "accounted_size": 0,
      "user_data": "",
      "appendable": "false" 
    "tag": "_dj5cX7yiIK3HxrLtWYol1ihSdkERdtL",
    "flags": 0,
    "pending_map": [],
    "versioned_epoch": 0
Actions #3

Updated by Robin Johnson over 4 years ago

I sat down and debugging this with mrf.

There's a few things here, generally related:
1. MPU Heads
1.1. MPU heads that are still in the index, but the .meta RADOS object is gone.
2. MPU Parts
2.1. MPU parts that are still in the index but NOT RADOS, but the MPU head is missing in the index
2.2. MPU parts that are still in the index AND RADOS, but the MPU head is missing in the index

I think there was a issue for a generalized MPU cleanup tooling, but I don't know the ticket number. This shows the immediate need for it. The leaked parts are eating ~2TB of storage in just this one bucket. DigitalOcean has seem the same issue as far back as Luminous.

Actions #4

Updated by Robin Johnson over 4 years ago

Snippet of logs showing the MPU head without the RADOS object:

2020-01-22 17:45:06.358 7f197fc31700  2 req 2 0.002s s3:list_multipart recalculating target
2020-01-22 17:45:06.358 7f197fc31700  2 req 2 0.002s s3:list_multipart reading permissions
2020-01-22 17:45:06.358 7f197fc31700 20 get_obj_state: rctx=0x564250a2c0d0 obj=Evol6:_multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU.meta state=0x5642501820a0 s->prefetch_data=0
2020-01-22 17:45:06.358 7f197fc31700  1 -- --> [v2:,v1:] -- osd_op(unknown.0.0:517 40.1 40:9d5d3eed:::48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.3886182.52__multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae%2fCBB_SRV2K12%2fCBB_VM%2f192.168.0.197%2fSRV2K12%2fHard disk 1$%2f20191203010516%2f431.cbrevision.2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU.meta:head [getxattrs,stat] snapc 0=[] ondisk+read+known_if_redirected e1097995) v8 -- 0x56424ffeedc0 con 0x56424fcf8800
2020-01-22 17:45:06.359 7f19a5c7d700  1 -- <== osd.73 v2: 10 ==== osd_op_reply(517 48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.3886182.52__multipart_MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision.2~r0BMPPs8CewVZ6Qheu1s9WzaBn7bBvU.meta [getxattrs,stat] v0'0 uv0 ondisk = -2 ((2) No such file or directory)) v8 ==== 408+0+0 (crc 0 0 0) 0x56425037a280 con 0x56424fcf8800
2020-01-22 17:45:06.359 7f197fc31700 15 decode_policy Read AccessControlPolicy<AccessControlPolicy xmlns=""><Owner><ID>[SENSITIVE DATA]</ID><DisplayName>Catbackup</DisplayName></Owner><AccessControlList><Grant><Grantee xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="CanonicalUser"><ID>[SENSITIVE DATA]</ID><DisplayName>Catbackup</DisplayName></Grantee><Permission>FULL_CONTROL</Permission></Grant></AccessControlList></AccessControlPolicy>
2020-01-22 17:45:06.359 7f197fc31700 10 req 2 0.003s s3:list_multipart read_permissions on Evol6[48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.3886182.52]:MBS-da43656f-2b8c-464f-b341-03fdbdf446ae/CBB_SRV2K12/CBB_VM/ disk 1$/20191203010516/431.cbrevision only_bucket=0 ret=-2
2020-01-22 17:45:06.359 7f197fc31700 20 op->ERRORHANDLER: err_no=-2 new_err_no=-2
2020-01-22 17:45:06.359 7f197fc31700  2 req 2 0.003s s3:list_multipart op status=0
2020-01-22 17:45:06.359 7f197fc31700  2 req 2 0.003s s3:list_multipart http status=404
Actions #5

Updated by J. Eric Ivancich over 4 years ago

I wonder if this is affected by the bug in this tracker/pr:

Resharding wasn't putting the MPU parts on the right shards. So the question is if there has been a reshard since the multipart uploads were initiated?

Even once that PR has merged, the MPU parts would still be on the wrong shards, but a reshard would get them on the right shards.

cbodley, in an off-line discussion, suggested a possible work-around that could be done before the PR merges:

1. reshard down to ONE single shard (i.e., then everything is inherently on the right shard)
2. clean up the incomplete multipart uploads
3. reshard to the desired number of shards

I don't know that that process has been tested. If one were to test it, it might be worth trying that on a single, small-sized bucket.

Actions #6

Updated by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago

Hi Eric / Team,

Im going to test your teory about rehard to single shard -> cleanup -> reshard to XX shards.

Im going to do with a bucket of a terminated project that got the same error.

Will report results in a couple hours.


Actions #7

Updated by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago

Well i got the result and nothing sucessfully :

Bucket = DMS
Multiparts incompleted date 20190912

<pre><code class="text">

            "Initiator": {
                "DisplayName": "xxxxx",
                "ID": "xxxxx" 
            "Initiated": "2019-09-12T01:38:03.921Z",
            "UploadId": "2~Ge19DNi2OVDTu0fqZ7fgJJlh2CrIttJ",
            "StorageClass": "STANDARD",
            "Key": "MBS-8a3218ee-24a4-42aa-8535-fda31eb46a0d/CBB_MENENDEZ-TS/C$/copias_sql/Kmaleon 20190911 2230.sql$/20190911203244/Kmaleon 20190911 2230.sql",
            "Owner": {
                "DisplayName": "xxxxx",
                "ID": "xxxxx" 
            "Initiator": {
                "DisplayName": "xxxxx",
                "ID": "xxxx" 
            "Initiated": "2019-09-11T22:22:55.136Z",
            "UploadId": "2~zZOUOY1ewrhTH9CPfURkImjusiFFzkT",
            "StorageClass": "STANDARD",
            "Key": "MBS-8a3218ee-24a4-42aa-8535-fda31eb46a0d/CBB_MENENDEZ-TS/C$/copias_sql/Kmaleon 20190911 2230.sql$/20190911203244/Kmaleon 20190911 2230.sql",
            "Owner": {
                "DisplayName": "xxxxxx",
                "ID": "xxxxxx" 

radosgw-admin reshard add --bucket DMS --num-shards 1 --yes-i-really-mean-it

        "time": "2020-01-22 23:22:32.807698Z",
        "tenant": "",
        "bucket_name": "DMS",
        "bucket_id": "48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.130777415.4",
        "new_instance_id": "",
        "old_num_shards": 32,
        "new_num_shards": 1

radosgw-admin reshard process

2020-01-23 00:28:07.871 7f8edae1d6c0  1 execute INFO: reshard of bucket "DMS" from "DMS:48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.130777415.4" to "DMS:48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.134292855.1" completed successfully

Checking new bucket sharding:

[root@ceph-rgw03 ~]# radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket DMS
    "bucket": "DMS",
    "tenant": "",
    "zonegroup": "4d8c7c5f-ca40-4ee3-b5bb-b2cad90bd007",
    "placement_rule": "default-placement",
    "explicit_placement": {
        "data_pool": "",
        "data_extra_pool": "",
        "index_pool": "" 
    "id": "48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.134292855.1",
    "marker": "48efb8c3-693c-4fe0-bbe4-fdc16f590a82.110976409.2",
    "index_type": "Normal",
    "owner": "xxxxxxx",
    "ver": "0#28295",
    "master_ver": "0#0",
    "mtime": "2020-01-22 23:23:26.670489Z",
    "max_marker": "0#",
    "usage": {
        "rgw.main": {
            "size": 1566138931393,
            "size_actual": 1569989439488,
            "size_utilized": 1566138931393,
            "size_kb": 1529432551,
            "size_kb_actual": 1533192812,
            "size_kb_utilized": 1529432551,
            "num_objects": 1810738
        "rgw.multimeta": {
            "size": 0,
            "size_actual": 0,
            "size_utilized": 459,
            "size_kb": 0,
            "size_kb_actual": 0,
            "size_kb_utilized": 1,
            "num_objects": 17
    "bucket_quota": {
        "enabled": false,
        "check_on_raw": false,
        "max_size": -1,
        "max_size_kb": 0,
        "max_objects": -1

Count the number of multiparts

aws  --endpoint=http://xxxxxxxxxx:7480 --profile=ceph s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket $BUCKETNAME \
 | jq -r '.Uploads[] | "--key \"\(.Key)\" --upload-id \(.UploadId)"' | wc

Reports 17 multiparts.

Now trying again the delete:

aws  --endpoint=http://xxxxxxxx:7480 --profile=ceph s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket $BUCKETNAME \
 | jq -r '.Uploads[] | "--key \"\(.Key)\" --upload-id \(.UploadId)"' \
 | while read -r line; do
     eval "aws  --endpoint=http://xxxxxxx:7480 --profile=ceph s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket $BUCKETNAME $line";

x17 An error occurred (NoSuchUpload) when calling the AbortMultipartUpload operation: Unknown
Actions #8

Updated by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago

Just a note:

Once finish the reshard , bucket stats dont show anymore :

"explicit_placement": {
        "data_pool": "",
        "data_extra_pool": "",
        "index_pool": "" 

Compared other buckets

    "explicit_placement": {
        "data_pool": "",
        "data_extra_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
        "index_pool": "default.rgw.buckets.index" 
Actions #9

Updated by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago

Any update or workarround from developers area?

Actions #10

Updated by Or Friedmann over 4 years ago

I saw that you have / in your object name have you tried to use \ as an escape character?

I would be happy to see only the output of the abortmultipart request in the rgw log (debug-ms=0 debug-rgw=20)

Thank you

Actions #11

Updated by Casey Bodley over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Triaged
Actions #12

Updated by Manuel Rios over 4 years ago

Hi Mr Friedmann,

Here you can download the debug requested:


Actions #13

Updated by Casey Bodley over 4 years ago

  • Related to Bug #43583: rgw: unable to abort multipart upload after the bucket got resharded added
Actions #14

Updated by Chris Jones about 4 years ago

Just an FYI... I know Jewel is EOL, but I am seeing unabortable multiparts in Jewel due to bucket resharding as well.


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