

Guang Yang


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 24 26
Reported issues 5 47 52


Project Roles Registered on
Ceph Developer 08/06/2014
bluestore Developer 11/29/2017
ceph-dokan Developer 11/25/2020
ceph-volume Developer 11/25/2020
CephFS Developer 11/25/2020
cephsqlite Developer 03/19/2021
crimson Developer 11/25/2020
devops Developer 11/25/2020
dmclock Developer 08/13/2020
Linux kernel client Developer 11/25/2020
Messengers Developer 03/12/2019
mgr Developer 06/28/2017
Dashboard Developer 04/22/2021
Orchestrator Developer 01/16/2020
RADOS Developer 06/07/2017
rbd Developer 11/25/2020
nvme-of Developer 07/26/2023
rgw Developer 11/25/2020
cleanup Developer 08/11/2022
rgw-testing Developer 11/25/2020
Stable releases Developer 11/25/2020
Ceph QA Developer 03/14/2024
Infrastructure Developer 01/26/2016
sepia Developer 08/06/2014 Developer 08/22/2016
Tools Developer 01/26/2016
paddles Developer 08/16/2021
teuthology Developer 12/04/2020



07:15 PM Ceph Bug #14269 (Resolved): ec_lost_unfound test failing on jewel (and probably master)
Sam reverted the test-suite change (commit 6fb44db9cbc91754bfab4c4312ba806febf65274) for the hammer branch. Guang Yang
06:57 PM Ceph Bug #14269: ec_lost_unfound test failing on jewel (and probably master)
Hi Sam,
It turns out the jewel branch does not have the commit..
Guang Yang
06:27 PM Ceph Bug #14269 (In Progress): ec_lost_unfound test failing on jewel (and probably master)
Guang Yang


06:16 AM Ceph Feature #13441: change PG::do_command list_missing to iterate over missing_loc structure instead of primary missing set
Guang Yang
06:15 AM Ceph Feature #13441: change PG::do_command list_missing to iterate over missing_loc structure instead of primary missing set
Guang Yang
06:14 AM Ceph Feature #12754 (Resolved): pg auto repair for EC pool
Guang Yang


04:45 PM Ceph Backport #13769: EC async "fast read" patchset for hammer (EC read latency improvements)
We have a ceph-qa-suite for the fast read -, is that enough? Guang Yang


12:03 AM teuthology Bug #13607: add rhel support to bootstrap
< ./bootstrap
This script does not support your Linux distribution yet. Patches encouraged!
Guang Yang


10:52 PM rgw Bug #13605 (Duplicate): rgw: object deletion might get bucket index state reset
For object put/delete on rgw, it is implemented as multiple phrases:
# put a pending change into bucket index object...
Guang Yang
05:27 PM Ceph Bug #13602 (Resolved): daemons: pid/asok files are not removed upon daemon normal exit
After stopping the the daemon, the corresponding pid/asok files are not automatically removed, there is a fix 24eb564... Guang Yang

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