

Pavan Rallabhandi

  • Login: prallabh
  • Registered on: 07/15/2014
  • Last sign in: 02/13/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 18 18
Reported issues 0 11 11


Project Roles Registered on
Ceph Developer 07/07/2016
bluestore Developer 11/29/2017
ceph-dokan Developer 11/25/2020
ceph-volume Developer 11/25/2020
CephFS Developer 11/25/2020
cephsqlite Developer 03/19/2021
crimson Developer 11/25/2020
devops Developer 11/25/2020
dmclock Developer 08/13/2020
Linux kernel client Developer 11/25/2020
Messengers Developer 03/12/2019
mgr Developer 06/28/2017
Dashboard Developer 04/22/2021
Orchestrator Developer 01/16/2020
RADOS Developer 06/07/2017
rbd Developer 11/25/2020
nvme-of Developer 07/26/2023
rgw Developer 11/25/2020
cleanup Developer 08/11/2022
rgw-testing Developer 11/25/2020
Stable releases Developer 11/25/2020
Ceph QA Developer 03/14/2024
Infrastructure Developer 07/07/2016
sepia Developer 07/07/2016 Developer 08/22/2016
Tools Developer 07/07/2016
paddles Developer 08/16/2021
teuthology Developer 12/04/2020



11:36 PM rgw Bug #41745: radosgw-admin orphans find stuck forever
Not directly related to orphans find, am curious to check if this cluster was a greenfield Nautilus installation or w... Pavan Rallabhandi


05:58 PM rgw Bug #24346: objects in cache never refresh after rgw_cache_expiry_interval
Nathan Cutler wrote:
> Pavan Rallabhandi wrote:
> > It would be great if this can make it to Jewel 10.2.11, thanks!...
Pavan Rallabhandi
05:57 PM rgw Backport #24386 (In Progress): jewel: rgw: objects in cache never refresh after rgw_cache_expiry_interval
- Pavan Rallabhandi


05:10 PM rgw Bug #24346: objects in cache never refresh after rgw_cache_expiry_interval
It would be great if this can make it to Jewel 10.2.11, thanks! Pavan Rallabhandi


04:59 PM rgw Bug #22084: Swift object expiry incorrectly trims entries, leaving behind some of the objects to be not deleted Pavan Rallabhandi
04:52 PM rgw Bug #22084 (Fix Under Review): Swift object expiry incorrectly trims entries, leaving behind some of the objects to be not deleted Pavan Rallabhandi
04:01 PM rgw Bug #22084 (Resolved): Swift object expiry incorrectly trims entries, leaving behind some of the objects to be not deleted
In cls_timeindex_list() though `to_index` has expired for a timespan, the marker is set for a subsequent index during... Pavan Rallabhandi


06:13 PM rgw Bug #20661: With RGWs configured in a load balancer, quota stats cache doesn't work
Aleksei Gutikov wrote:
> Fix does not fix anything actually.
> size, size_rounded, num_objects are uint64_t so they...
Pavan Rallabhandi


05:38 AM rgw Backport #20895 (In Progress): jewel: rgw: Bucket check doesn't work as expected
Pavan Rallabhandi


10:56 AM rgw Bug #18470: rgw: Bucket check doesn't work as expected
The original regression has been introduced via and is present in Jewel 10.2.7... Pavan Rallabhandi

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