

Xinxin Shu


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 20 22
Reported issues 1 14 15


Project Roles Registered on
Ceph Developer 08/06/2014
bluestore Developer 11/29/2017
ceph-dokan Developer 11/25/2020
ceph-volume Developer 11/25/2020
CephFS Developer 11/25/2020
cephsqlite Developer 03/19/2021
crimson Developer 11/25/2020
devops Developer 11/25/2020
dmclock Developer 08/13/2020
Linux kernel client Developer 11/25/2020
Messengers Developer 03/12/2019
mgr Developer 06/28/2017
Dashboard Developer 04/22/2021
Orchestrator Developer 01/16/2020
RADOS Developer 06/07/2017
rbd Developer 11/25/2020
nvme-of Developer 07/26/2023
rgw Developer 11/25/2020
cleanup Developer 08/11/2022
rgw-testing Developer 11/25/2020
Stable releases Developer 11/25/2020
Ceph QA Developer 03/14/2024
Infrastructure Developer 01/26/2016
sepia Developer 08/06/2014 Developer 08/22/2016
Tools Developer 01/26/2016
paddles Developer 08/16/2021
teuthology Developer 12/04/2020



08:29 AM rbd Bug #16176: objectmap does not show object existence correctly
hi jason, i reproduce this bug, detail logs are attached, pls check the log, "./bin/rbd -c ceph.conf -p rbd bench-wri... Xinxin Shu


06:15 AM RADOS Bug #17929: rados tool should bail out if you combine listing and setting the snap ID
PR Xinxin Shu
02:05 AM rbd Bug #16176: objectmap does not show object existence correctly
i want to fix the inconsistency between 'rbd df' and 'rados ls', as this tracker state, 'rados ls' show that there ar... Xinxin Shu


03:18 AM rbd Bug #16176: objectmap does not show object existence correctly
m thought is as follows
1. update object map, set object map state to invalid or transient state
2. write data to...
Xinxin Shu


03:13 AM rbd Bug #16176: objectmap does not show object existence correctly
hi jason, sorry for late response, i can reproduce this on the latest master, it seems that this only happens with as... Xinxin Shu


02:05 AM rbd Bug #16176 (Resolved): objectmap does not show object existence correctly
in the latest master, i create 10GB rbd and use rbd bench-write to fill objects, and i used "ctrl + c" to terminate b... Xinxin Shu


02:55 AM rbd Feature #15388: Inherit the Parent Image properties while Cloning a rbd Image
PR: Xinxin Shu


01:39 AM Ceph Bug #15298 (New): rocksdb corrupt with bluefs
Xinxin Shu


02:31 AM Ceph Feature #15346 (Resolved): add error handle for leveldb or rocksdb in bluestore or filestore
recently i tested bluestore, i met error that rocksdb corruptted(submit_transaction always return -1)but ceph does no... Xinxin Shu


09:04 AM Ceph Bug #15298: rocksdb corrupt with bluefs
SHA1 is eeaab88e31d84c612fe16374c9b84e2cbd5072d6, the full log is several GB, i cannot upload, but it seems error abo... Xinxin Shu

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